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Tag Archives: hair extensions dublin

Hair Extensions

Hair Extensions Mastered

No more old fashioned lumpy bumpy weaves. At Issonni Perfect Hair Extensions Ireland. We have mastered an ingenious way to apply micro thin handcrafted wefts to hair, without braids, bonds, heat or glue. With this nifty attachment process you can have your full head of hair extensions applied in two hours. You wouldn’t throw away Continue Reading

Hair Extensions

The best hair extensions to get?

Whilst doing research potential cients will go to great lengths to cover all the hair extension pros and cons. Then possibly all the myths associated with hair extensions ie: hair extensions will make my hair thin, hair extensions will pull my hair out, hair extensions will cause damage to my own hair! There are many Continue Reading

Hair Extensions Review Ireland

Forget bad hair days! One woman is on a quest to help Irish women tackle their thinning locks and put the Xfactor back into their lives. The average Irish woman will spend the equivalent of 26 years suffering from bad hair ……… Demelza’s Verdict: ‘Girls, we all know sometimes you have to fake it to Continue Reading


Thinning Hair or Hair Loss?

More and more ladies contact me these days in reference to thinning hair or hair loss. It seems an epidemic virus rate. There are many reasons behind it from Alopeica, Pregnancy, Thryroid disorders, Polysistic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) the list seems endless. Some ladies just have fine hair and feel it gets thinner due to age, Continue Reading

Colouring Hair Extensions

Colouring Hair Extensions

Being many years in the hair extension industry and buying from many suppliers from all over the world the message generally is the same. Colouring hair extensions generally isn’t reccomended. ‘Why’ I hear you ask if the hair is 100% human hair. At Issonni I always advise clients to only use semi permenant colours on Continue Reading

Issonni Luxury Clip-in

Clip-in Hair Extensions

So I was delighted to at last to finally have Issonni own branded human hair clip-ins! It’s taken some time to get the ball rolling with this product. Although now at last I have had a comprehensive payment system now applied to the Issonni website, so it means you can now have a choice of Continue Reading

So I missed an epic blogging moment last week due to being snowed under with work & as usual when you want to use your internet connection for something productive …. it won’t work! When I branded my business I picked a girl who would represent the branding. Tara Kavanagh, she is on the website Continue Reading

Clip-in Hair Extensions

Being a hair extension technician for the past ten years, I have dreamed of having my own line of products. I began a search for a care line as I put so much emphasis on after care for hair extensions, and brought this to Issonni last year and after a lot of research and hard Continue Reading

Hair Extension Appointments

At Issonni hair extension studio I personally apply all the hair extensions at your appointment. Every appointment is facilitated by previous booking, as due to being in high demand I can’t facilitate drop ins. Currently for saturday appointments it is advisable to book two weeks in advance. I can’t stress enough that if you have Continue Reading

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