We don’t have an exact price list because we are a bespoke hair extension service. This means that we look at you as an individual. We recognise that each client has their own requirements. This comes from being on the salon floor servicing tens of thousands heads of hair extensions over a vast number of years, and not only just owning a hair extension company. Each of our clientele have different hair lengths, densities, textures and even head sizes. Your natural hair is unique to you, as mine is to me. One size does not fit all, the same as one colour does not fit all.
So, yes we can give you a guide price to how much a full head of hair extensions are, which starts around €495. We can also tell you that this price is variable and can go up or down. The average client spend with us is €250 – €500.
Its important for you to know that when you invest into your first hair extension install with Issonni, it is an investment into premium quality human hair. Each appointment after this initial one, you only pay to maintain and reinstall the hair each time you reuse it. All of our hair extension methods are designed to be 100% reusable.