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number five

Wondering if you should get hair extensions? Are you a good candidate … well here’s five reasons I think your a good candidate for hair extensions ….

1: You stare longingly at anyone who has long thick hair. You always nudge your girlfriends and whisper ‘I wish I had hair like that’.

2: You are a spontaneous hair cutter. Not fearing the short hair cut, you have no problem cutting your hair short to be up do date with the latest pixie cut craze. Although on the flipside your impatient and don’t want to wait for it to grow back again ;-)

3: You’ve used every single thickening, plumping, volumising, amplifying … gel, mousse, spray, wax, pomade, cream, powder, that promises you thicker longer voluminous hair. Your dressing table is filled and you still have to backcomb, and shift your hair around to create that fuller look.

4: Your hair takes around three minutes to dry, and you fear curls as you will only have five in total if you dared to wear them. Those full boho waves are dreamy and you wish you had some.

5: There is a draw in your bedroom filled with every type of clip-in hair piece known to man and you don’t have the time to have that glamorous look you create with these on the weekend, every single day!

Yes of course there’s more reasons, although I did say I would only give you five … Emilia xx

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