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Clip-in Hair Extensions

Issonni Luxury Clip-in

So I was delighted to at last to finally have Issonni own branded human hair clip-ins! It’s taken some time to get the ball rolling with this product. Although now at last I have had a comprehensive payment system now applied to the Issonni website, so it means you can now have a choice of payment methods.

My excellent photographer has taken the product, so hope to have the images uploaded very soon. This goes hand in hand with the long awaited videos. I added the Video section to Issonni.ie a while ago and as it’s just so busy you don’t really get time to do everything all at once (even though I do try ;-) ).

Via the Issonni Hair Extensions Ireland Facebook page: “http://www.facebook.com/hairextensionsalon” I posted for an everyday girl to be the demo model to participate in the video, and recieved a really great response. I am looking forward to presenting this new product to you.

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